
&ot;for all that it is there, without any anner of doubt,&ot; said donixote; &ot;and ore by token they say it is closed a 射ath ofwhide to keep it fro rtg&ot;

&ot;all that ay be,&ot; replied the canon; &ot;but, by the orders i havereceived, i do not reber seeg it however, grantg it isthere, that is no rean why i a bound to believe the stories ofall those aadises and of all that ultitude of knights they tell about, nor is it reanable that a an like your worship, worthy,and with any good alities, and endowed with such a goodunderstandg, should allow hiself to be persuaded that such wildcrazy thgs as are written those absurd books of chivalry arereally true&ot;

插pter l

of the shrewd ntroversy which don ixote and the canon held,tother with other cidents

&ot;a good joke, that!&ot; returned don ixote &ot;books that have beenprted with the kg&039;s licence, and with the approbation of thoseto who they have been subitted, and read with universal delight, andextolled by great and sall, rich and poor, learned and ignorant,ntle and siple, a word by people of every rt, of whatever rankor ndition they ay be- that these should be lies! and above allwhen they carry such an appearance of truth with the; for they tels the father, other, untry, kdred, a, place, and theachievents, step by step, and day by day, perford by such a knightor knights! hh, sir; utter not such blasphey; trt i aadvisg you now to act as a sensible an should; only read the,and you will

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