
the canon took his hand, tied tother as they both were, and on hisword and proise they unbound hi, and rejoiced beyond asure hewas to fd hiself out of the ca the first thg he did was tostretch hiself all over, and then he went to where rocante wasstandg and givg hi a uple of slaps on the haunches said, &ot;istill trt god and his blessed other, o flower and irror ofsteeds, that we shall on see ourselves, both of , as we wish tobe, thou with thy aster on thy back, and i ounted upon thee,follog the callg for which god sent to the world&ot; and sayg, aopanied by sancho, he withdrew to a retired spot, frowhich he ca back uch relieved and ore ear than ever to put hissire&039;s sche to execution

the canon gazed at hi, wonderg at the extraordary nature of hisadness, and that all his rearks and replies he should show suchexcellent sense, and only lose his stirrups, as has been already said,when the subject of chivalry was broached and , oved bypassion, he said to hi, as they all sat on the green grassawaitg the arrival of the provisions:

&ot;is it possible, ntle sir, that the naeo and idle readg ofbooks of chivalry can have had such an effect on your worship as toupset your rean that you fancy yourself en插nted, and thelike, all as far fro the truth as falsehood itself is? how canthere be any huan understandg that can persuade itself there everwas all that fity of aadises the world, or all thatultitude of fao knights, all those eperors of trebizond, allthose fel

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