
the canon and the curate had proceeded th far with theirnversation, when the barber, g forward, joed the, and saidto the curate, &ot;this is the spot, senor licentiate, that i said wasa good one for fresh and plentiful pasture for the oxen, while we takeour noontide rest&ot;

&ot;and it sees,&ot; returned the curate, and he told the canon whathe proposed to do, on which he too ade up his d to halt with the,attracted by the aspect of the fair valley that lay before their eyes;and to enjoy it as well as the nversation of the curate, to whohe had begun to take a fancy, and al to learn ore particulars aboutthe dogs of don ixote, he desired of his servants to go on tothe n, which was not far distant, and fetch fro it what eatablesthere ight be for the whole party, as he ant to rest for theafternoon where he was; to which one of his servants replied thatthe supter ule, which by this ti ought to have reached the n,carried provisions enough to ake it unnecessary to t anythgfro the n except barley

&ot; that case,&ot; said the canon, &ot;take all the beasts there, andbrg the supter ule back&ot;

while this was gog on, sancho, perceivg that he uld speak tohis aster without havg the curate and the barber, of who he hadhis spicions, present all the ti, approached the ca which donixote was placed, and said, &ot;senor, to ease y nscience i wantto tell you the state of the case as to your en插ntnt, and thatis that these o here, with their faces vered, are the curate

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