
the curate listened to hi attentively and felt that he was a an ofund understandg, and that there was good rean what he said; he told hi that, beg of the sa opion hiself, and bearga grud to books of chivalry, he had burned all don ixote&039;s,which were any; and gave hi an aount of the scruty he had adeof the, and of those he had ndened to the flas and those hehad spared, with which the canon was not a little aed, addgthat though he had said uch ndenation of these books,still he found one good thg the, and that was the opportunitythey afforded to a gifted tellect for displayg itself; for theypresented a wide and spacio field over which the pen ight ranfreely, describg shirecks, tepests, bats, battles,portrayg a valiant capta with all the alifications reisiteto ake one, shog hi sagacio foreseeg the wiles of theeney, eloent speech to enura or restra his ldiers,ripe unsel, rapid relve, as bold bidg his ti as pressg the attack; now picturg sad tragic cident, now joyful and unexpected event; here a beauteo lady, virtuo,wise, and odest; there a christian knight, brave and ntle; here alawless, barbaro braggart; there a urteo prce, gallant andgracio; settg forth the devotion and loyalty of vassals, thegreatness and nerosity of nobles &ot;or aga,&ot; said he, &ot;the authoray show hiself to be an astronor, or a skilled grapher, orician, or one versed affairs of state, and tis he willhave a 插nce of g forward as a agician if he likes he canset forth the craftess of ulysse

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