
by this ti night closed , and as it did, there ca up to then a ach attended by n on horseback, who deandedaoodation; to which the landlady replied that there was not ahand&039;s breadth of the whole n unoupied

&ot;still, for all that,&ot; said one of those who had entered onhorseback, &ot;roo t be found for his lordship the jud here&ot;

at this na the landlady was taken aback, and said, &ot;senor, thefact is i have no beds; but if his lordship the jud carries one withhi, as no doubt he does, let hi e and wele; for yhband and i will give up our roo to aoodate his worship&ot;

&ot;very good, be it,&ot; said the sire; but the anti a anhad got out of the ach whose dress dicated at a glance theoffice and post he held, for the long robe with ruffled sleeves thathe wore showed that he was, as his servant said, a jud of appeal heled by the hand a young girl a travellg dress, apparently aboutsixteen years of a, and of such a high-bred air, beautiful and graceful, that all were filled with adiration when 射 ade herappearance, and but for havg seen dorothea, scda, and zoraida,who were there the n, they would have fancied that a beautylike that of this aiden&039;s would have been hard to fd don ixotewas present at the entrance of the jud with the young lady, and an as he saw hi he said, &ot;your worship ay with nfidence enterand take your ease this castle; for though the aoodation bescanty and poor, there are no arters craped or nvenient thatthey cannot ak

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