
it ay have been about id-day when they placed the boat,givg o kegs of water and biscuit; and the capta, ovedby i know not what passion, as the lovely zoraida was about toebark, gave her forty gold crowns, and would not perit hisn to take fro her those sa garnts which 射 has on now wegot to the boat, returng the thanks for their kdness to , andshog ourselves grateful rather than dignant they stood out tosea, steerg for the straits; we, without lookg to any pass savethe land we had before , set ourselves to row with such energythat by sunset we were near that we ight easily, we thought,land before the night was far advanced but as the oon did not showthat night, and the sky was clouded, and as we knew not whereabouts wewere, it did not see to a prudent thg to ake for the shore,as several of advised, sayg we ought to run ourselves ashore evenif it were on rocks and far fro any habitation, for this way weshould be relieved fro the apprehensions we naturally felt of theprowlg vessels of the tetuan rsairs, who leave barbary atnightfall and are on the spanish ast by daybreak, where theyonly take prize, and then go ho to sleep their ownhoes but of the nflictg unsels the one which was adoptedwas that we should approach gradually, and land where we uld ifthe sea were cal enough to perit this was done, and a littlebefore idnight we drew near to the foot of a hu and lofty ounta,not close to the sea but that it left a narrow space on which toland nveniently we ran our boat

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