
we ight have ade about thirty iles when daybreak found three ket-shots off the land, which seed to deserted, andwithout anyone to see for all that, however, by hard rog we putout a little to sea, for it was now what calr, and havg gaedabout o leagues the word was given to row by batches, while we atethg, for the vessel was well provided; but the rowers said ias not a ti to take any rest; let food be served out to those whowere not rog, but they would not leave their oars on any aountthis was done, but now a stiff breeze began to blow, which oblid to leave off rog and ake sail at once and steer for oran, as ias ipossible to ake any other urse all this was done veryproptly, and under sail we ran ore than eight iles an hourwithout any fear, except that of g across vessel out on arovg expedition we gave the oorish rowers food, and therenegade forted the by tellg the that they were not held ascaptives, as we should set the free on the first opportunity

the sa was said to zoraida&039;s father, who replied, &ot;anythlse, christian, i ight hope for or thk likely fro your nerosityand good behaviour, but do not thk siple as to ia youwill give y liberty; for you would have never exposed yourselvesto the danr of deprivg of it only to restore it to neroly, especially as you know who i a and the su you ay expectto receive on rest it; and if you will only na that, i hereoffer you all you reire for yself and for y unhappy daughterthere; or else for her alone, for 射 is th

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