
i ade answer, &ot;yes, lady, but not without thee, e what ay: beon the watch for on the next jua, and be not alard when thoeest ; for ost surely we shall go to the land of the christians&ot;

this i said such a way that 射 understood perfectly all thatpassed beeen , and throg her ar round y neck 射 began withfeeble steps to ove towards the hoe; but as fate would have it (andit ight have been very unfortunate if heaven had not otherwiseordered it), jt as we were ovg on the anner and position ihave described, with her ar round y neck, her father, as he returnedafter havg sent away the turks, saw how we were walkg and weperceived that he saw ; but zoraida, ready and ickwitted, tookcare not to reove her ar fro y neck, but on the ntrary drewcloser to and d her head on y breast, bendg her knees alittle and shog all the signs and tokens of atg, while i at thesa ti ade it see as though i were supportg her agast ywill her father ca runng up to where we were, and seeg hisdaughter this state asked what was the atter with her; 射,however, givg no answer, he said, &ot;no doubt 射 has fated alarat the entrance of those dogs,&ot; and takg her fro e he drew herto his own breast, while 射 sighg, her eyes still wet with tears,said aga, &ot;aji, cristiano, aji&ot;- &ot;go, christian, go&ot; to thi射r father replied, &ot;there is no need, daughter, for the christianto go, for he has done thee no har, and the turks have now gone; feelno alar, there is nothg to hurt thee, for as i say, t

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