插pter xli
which the captive still ntues his adventures
before fifteen days were over our renegade had already pur插sedan excellent vessel with roo for ore than thirty perns; and toake the transaction safe and lend a lour to it, he thought iell to ake, as he did, a voya to a place called 射r射l, entyleagues fro algiers on the oran side, where there is an extensivetrade dried figs o or three tis he ade this voya panywith the tagar already ntioned the oors of aragon are calledtagars barbary, and those of granada udejars; but the kgdoof fez they call the udejars elches, and they are the people the kgchiefly eploys war to proceed: every ti he passed with hisvessel he anchored a ve that was not o crossbow shots frothe garden where zoraida was waitg; and there the renegade, totherwith the o oorish lads that rowed, ed purposely to stationhiself, either gog through his prayers, or else practisg as apart what he ant to perfor earnest and th he would go tozoraida&039;s garden and ask for fruit, which her father gave hi, notknog hi; but though, as he afterwards told , he ught tospeak to zoraida, and tell her who he was, and that by y orders hewas to take her to the land of the christians, that 射 ightfeel satisfied and easy, he had never been able to do ; for theoorish won do not allow theselves to be seen by any oor orturk, unless their hband or father bid the: with christian captivesthey perit freedo of terurse and unication, even ore thanight be nsidered proper b