jud, sirs, whether we had rean for surprise and joy at the wordf this paper; and both one and the other were great, that therenegade perceived that the paper had not been found by 插nce, buthad been reality addressed to one of , and he begd ,if what he spected were the truth, to trt hi and tell hi all,for he would risk his life for our freedo; and sayg he tookout fro his breast a tal crucifix, and with any tears swore by thegod the ia represented, who, sful and wicked as he was, hetruly and faithfully believed, to be loyal to and keep secrehatever we chose to reveal to hi; for he thought and alostforesaw that by ans of her who had written that paper, he and all of would obta our liberty, and he hiself obta the object he uch desired, his restoration to the bo of the holy otherchurch, fro which by his own s and ignorance he was now severedlike a rrupt lib the renegade said this with any tears andsuch signs of repentance, that with one nsent we all agreed totell hi the whole truth of the atter, and we gave hi a fullaount of all, without hidg anythg fro hi we poted out tohi the dow at which the reed appeared, and he by that ans tooknote of the hoe, and relved to ascerta with particular carewho lived it we agreed al that it would be advisable to answerthe oorish lady&039;s letter, and the renegade without a ont&039;s delaytook down the words i dictated to hi, which were exactly what i shalltell you, for nothg of iportance that took place this affair hasescaped y ory,