don ixote was forted by the prophecy he heard, for he at onceprehended its ang perfectly, and perceived it was proised tohi that he should see hiself united holy and lawful atrionywith his beloved dulcea del tobo, fro whose blessed wob shouldproceed the whelps, his ns, to the eternal glory of la an插; andbeg thoroughly and firly persuaded of this, he lifted up his voice,and with a deep sigh excd, &ot;oh thou, whoever thou art, who hastforetold uch good, i iplore of thee that on y part thouentreat that sa en插nter who takes 插r of y terests, thathe leave not to perish this captivity which they are nowcarryg away, ere i see fulfilled proises joyful andparable as those which have been now ade ; for, let this bute to pass, and i shall glory the pas of y pr, fdfort these 插s wherewith they bd , and regard this bedwhereon they stretch , not as a hard battle-field, but as a ft andhappy nuptial uch; and touchg the nlation of sancho panza,y sire, i rely upon his goodness and rectitude that he will notdesert good or evil fortune; for if, by his ill ck or e, itay not happen to be y power to give hi the island i haveproised, or any eivalent for it, at least his was shall not belost; for y will, which is already ade, i have declared the suthat shall be paid to hi, asured, not by his any faithfulservices, but by the ans at y disposal&ot;
sancho bowed his head very respectfully and kissed both his hands,for, beg tied tother, he uld not kiss one; and then theapparitions