
fdg hiself now clear and it of all arrels, his sire&039;sas well as his own, don ixote nsidered that it would beadvisable to ntue the journey he had begun, and brg to a closethat great adventure for which he had been called and chosen; and withthis high relve he went and knelt before dorothea, who, however,would not allow hi to utter a word until he had risen; to obey herhe rose, and said, &ot;it is a on proverb, fair lady, that &039;dilceis the other of good fortune,&039; and experience has often shown iportant affairs that the earnestness of the negotiator brgs thedoubtful case to a suessful teration; but nothg does thistruth show itself ore pnly than war, where ickness andactivity forestall the devices of the eney, and the victorybefore the foe has ti to defend hiself all this i say, exalted andesteed lady, becae it sees to that for to rea any lonr this castle now is eless, and ay be jurio to a waythat we shall fd out day; for who knows but that your eney thegiant ay have learned by ans of secret and dilt spies that i agog to destroy hi, and if the opportunity be given hi he ay seizeit to fortify hiself ipregnable castle or stronghold,agast which all y efforts and the ight of y defatigable ar ayavail but little? therefore, lady, let , as i say, forestall hissches by our activity, and let depart at once est of fairfortune; for your highness is only kept fro enjoyg it as fully asyou uld desire by y delay enunterg your adversary&ot;

don ixote held his

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