
&ot;hold all, let all 射athe their swords, let all be cal andattend to as they vae their lives!&ot;

all paed at his ighty voice, and he went on to say, &ot;did i nottell you, sirs, that this castle was en插nted, and that a legion or of devils dwelt it? proof whereof i call upon you to beholdwith your own eyes how the disrd of agraante&039;s cap has ehither, and been transferred to the idst of see how they fight,there for the sword, here for the horse, on that side for the eagle,on this for the helt; we are all fightg, and all at crosspurposes e then, you, senor jud, and you, senor curate; letthe one represent kg agraante and the other kg bro, andake peace aong ; for by god alighty it is a rry bess that any perns of ality as we are should slay one another forsuch triflg cae&ot;the officers, who did not understand don ixote&039;s ode ofspeakg, and found theselves roughly handled by don fernando,cardenio, and their panions, were not to be appeased; the barberwas, however, for both his beard and his pack-saddle were the worsefor the struggle; sancho like a good servant obeyed the slightest wordof his aster; while the four servants of don is kept iet whenthey saw how little they gaed by not beg the landlord alonesisted upon it that they t punish the lence of this adan,who at every turn raised a disturbance the n; but at length theuproar was stilled for the present; the pack-saddle reaed acapar till the day of judgnt, and the bas a helt and the na castle don ixote&0

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