
at this don ixote uld not keep hiself fro answerg; andterposg beeen the o, and separatg the, he placed thepack-saddle on the ground, to lie there sight until the truth wasestabli射d, and said, &ot;your worships ay perceive clearly and pnlythe error under which this worthy sire lies when he calls a baswhich was, is, and shall be the helt of abro which i won frohi air war, and ade yself aster of by legitiate and lawfulpossession with the pack-saddle i do not ncern yself; but i aytell you on that head that y sire sancho asked y perission tostrip off the capar of this vani射d poltroon&039;s steed, andwith it adorn his own; i allowed hi, and he took it; and as to itshavg been 插nd fro a capar to a pack-saddle, i can give noexplanation except the ual one, that such transforations willtake place adventures of chivalry to nfir all which, run,sancho y n, and fetch hither the helt which this good fellowcalls a bas&ot;

&ot;egad, aster,&ot; said sancho, &ot;if we have no other proof of ourcase than what your worship puts forward, abro&039;s helt is jt asuch a bas as this good fellow&039;s capar is a pack-saddle&ot;

&ot;do as i bid thee,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;it cannot be thateverythg this castle goes by en插ntnt&ot;

sancho hastened to where the bas was, and brought it back withhi, and when don ixote saw it, he took hold of it and said:

&ot;your worships ay see with what a face this sire can assertthat this is a bas and not the helt i told you of; and i s

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