
all this and ore the jud uttered with such deep eotion at thenews he had received of his brother that all who heard hi shared it, shog their sypathy with his rrow the curate, seeg,then, how well he had sueeded carryg out his purpose and thecapta&039;s wi射s, had no desire to keep the unhappy any lonr, herose fro the table and gog to the roo where zoraida was hetook her by the hand, scda, dorothea, and the jud&039;s daughterfollog her the capta was waitg to see what the curate woulddo, when the latter, takg hi with the other hand, advanced withboth of the to where the jud and the other ntlen were and said,&ot;let your tears cease to flow, senor jud, and the wish of your heartbe gratified as fully as you uld desire, for you have before youyour worthy brother and your good sister--law he who you see hereis the capta vieda, and this is the fair oor who has been goodto hi the frenchn i told you of have reduced the to the state ofpoverty you see that you ay show the nerosity of your kd heart&ot;

the capta ran to ebrace his brother, who placed both hands on hisbreast as to have a good look at hi, holdg hi a little wayoff but as on as he had fully regnised hi he clasped hi hisars closely, 射ddg such tears of heartfelt joy, that ost ofthose present uld not but jo the the words the brothersex插nd, the eotion they showed can scarcely be iad, ifancy, uch less put down writg they told each other a fewwords the events of their lives; they showed the true affection ofbrothe

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