
the n of barbarossa was cruel, and treated his slaves badly,that, when those who were at the oars saw that the 射-wolf galley wasbearg down upon the and gag upon the, they all at once droppedtheir oars and seized their capta who stood on the sta at theend of the gangway shoutg to the to row stily; and passg hi onfro bench to bench, fro the poop to the prow, they bit hi thatbefore he had got uch past the ast his ul had already got to hell; great, as i said, was the cruelty with which he treated the, andthe hatred with which they hated hi

we returned to nstanle, and the follog year,seventy-three, it beca known that don john had seized tunis andtaken the kgdo fro the turks, and placed uley hat possession, puttg an end to the hopes which uley haida, thecruelest and bravest oor the world, entertaed of returng toreign there the grand turk took the loss greatly to heart, and withthe cunng which all his race possess, he ade peace with theveians (who were uch ore ear for it than he was), and thefollog year, seventy-four, he attacked the goletta and the forhich don john had left half built near tunis while all theseevents were ourrg, i was labourg at the oar without any hopeof freedo; at least i had no hope of obtag it by ran, for iwas firly relved not to write to y father tellg hi of yisfortunes at length the goletta fell, and the fort fell, beforewhich places there were seventy-five thoand regular turkishldiers, and ore than four hundred thoand oors and arabs fro allpar

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