插pter xxxix
where the captive relates his life and adventures
y faily had its orig a villa the ountas of leon,and nature had been kder and ore nero to it than fortune;though the neral poverty of those unities y father passedfor beg even a rich an; and he would have been reality had hebeen as clever preservg his property as he was spendg itthis tendency of his to be liberal and profe he had acired frohavg been a ldier his youth, for the ldier&039;s life is a school which the niggard bees free-handed and the free-handed prodigal;and if any ldiers are to be found who are isers, they areonsters of rare ourrence y father went beyond liberality andbordered on prodigality, a disposition by no ans advantao to aarried an who has children to sueed to his na and position yfather had three, all ns, and all of sufficient a to ake choiceof a profession fdg, then, that he was unable to resist hispropensity, he relved to divest hiself of the strunt andcae of his prodigality and lavishness, to divest hiself ofwealth, without which alexander hiself would have seedparsionio; and callg all three aside one day to a roo,he addressed words what to the follog effect:
&ot;y ns, to assure you that i love you, no ore need be known orsaid than that you are y ns; and to enura a spicion that i donot love you, no ore is needed than the knowled that i have noself-ntrol as far as preservation of your patriony is ncerned;therefore, that you ay for the future feel sure that