
don ixote delivered his disurse such a anner and suchrrect langua, that for the ti beg he ade it ipossible forany of his hearers to nsider hi a adan; on the ntrary, asthey were ostly ntlen, to who ars are an appurtenance by birth,they listened to hi with great pleasure as he ntued: &ot;here, then,i say is what the student has to undergo; first of all poverty: notthat all are poor, but to put the case as strongly as possible: andwhen i have said that he endures poverty, i thk nothg ore need besaid about his hard fortune, for he who is poor has no share of thegood thgs of life this poverty he suffers fro vario ways,hunr, or ld, or nakedness, or all tother; but for all that it isnot extre but that he ts thg to eat, though it ay beat what unseanable hours and fro the leavgs of the rich;for the greatest isery of the student is what they theselves call&039;gog out for up,&039; and there is always neighbour&039;s brazieror hearth for the, which, if it does not war, at least tepers theld to the, and lastly, they sleep fortably at night under aroof i will not go to other particulars, as for exaple want ofshirts, and no superabundance of shoes, th and threadbaregarnts, and gg theselves to surfeit their voracity whengood ck has treated the to a ba of rt by this roadthat i have described, rough and hard, stublg here, fallgthere, ttg up aga to fall aga, they reach the rank theydesire, and that once attaed, we have seen any who have passedthese syrtes and scyllas and 插rybdises,

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