&ot;that will do,&ot; said don fernando; &ot;let say no ore about it; andas her ladyship the prcess proposes to set out to-orrow becaeit is too late to-day, be it, and we will pass the night pleasant nversation, and to-orrow we will all aopany senor donixote; for we wish to witness the valiant and unparalleledachievents he is about to perfor the urse of this ightyenterprise which he has undertaken&ot;
&ot;it is i who shall wait upon and aopany you,&ot; said don ixote;&ot;and i a uch gratified by the favour that is bestowed upon , andthe good opion entertaed of , which i shall strive to jtify orit shall st y life, or even ore, if it can possibly st ore&ot;
any were the plts and expressions of politeness thatpassed beeen don ixote and don fernando; but they were broughtto an end by a traveller who at this ont entered the n, and whoseed fro his attire to be a christian lately e fro theuntry of the oors, for he was dressed a short-skirted at ofbe cloth with half-sleeves and without a llar; his breeches wereal of be cloth, and his cap of the sa lour, and he wore yellowbks and had a oorish cutlass sng fro a baldric across hisbreast behd hi, ounted upon an ass, there ca a woan dressed oorish fashion, with her face veiled and a scarf on her head, andwearg a little brocaded cap, and a antle that vered her froher shoulders to her feet the an was of a robt andwell-proportioned fra, a a little over forty, rather swarthy plexion, with long otaches and a full beard,