
all this and ore the jured dorothea delivered with such earnestfeelg and such tears that all present, even those who ca withdon fernando, were nstraed to jo her the don fernandolistened to her without replyg, until, ceasg to speak, 射 gaveway to such bs and sighs that it t have been a heart of brassthat was not ftened by the sight of great rrow scdastood regardg her with no less passion for her suffergs thanadiration for her tellce and beauty, and would have gone to herto say words of fort to her, but was prevented by donfernando&039;s grasp which held her fast he, overwheld with nfionand astonishnt, after regardg dorothea for onts with afixed gaze, opened his ars, and, releasg scda, excd:

&ot;thou hast nered, fair dorothea, thou hast nered, for itis ipossible to have the heart to deny the united force of anytruths&ot;

scda her feebleness was on the pot of fallg to the groundwhen don fernando released her, but cardenio, who stood near, havgretreated behd don fernando to escape regnition, castg fearaside and regardless of what ight happen, ran forward to support her,and said as he clasped her his ars, &ot;if heaven its passionis willg to let thee rest at last, istress of y heart, true,nstant, and fair, nowhere canst thou rest ore safely than these ars that now receive thee, and received thee before whenfortune peritted to call thee e&ot;

at these words scda looked up at cardenio, at first begng toregnise hi by his voice and then satisfyg hersel

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