&ot; near,&ot; answered the landlord, &ot;that here they e&ot;
hearg this dorothea vered her face, and cardenio retreatedto don ixote&039;s roo, and they hardly had ti to do beforethe whole party the host had described entered the n, and the fourthat were on horseback, who were of highbred appearance and bearg,diunted, and ca forward to take down the woan who rode on theside-saddle, and one of the takg her his ars placed her a插ir that stood at the entrance of the roo where cardenio had hiddenhiself all this ti neither 射 nor they had reoved their veils orspoken a word, only on sittg down on the 插ir the woan gave a deepsigh and let her ars fall like one that was ill and weak theattendants on foot then led the horses away to the stable observgthis the curate, curio to know who these people such a dressand preservg such silence were, went to where the servants werestandg and put the estion to one of the, who answered hi
&ot;faith, sir, i cannot tell you who they are, i only know they seeto be people of distction, particularly he who advanced to takethe lady you saw his ars; and i say becae all the rest showhi respect, and nothg is done except what he directs and orders&ot;
&ot;and the lady, who is 射?&ot; asked the curate
&ot;that i cannot tell you either,&ot; said the servant, &ot;for i have notseen her face all the way: i have deed heard her sigh any tis andutter such groans that 射 sees to be givg up the ghost every ti;but it is no wonder if