
anselo would not believe it, but bld with ra drew a dagrand threatened to stab leonela, biddg her tell the truth or he wouldkill her 射, her fear, not knog what 射 was sayg,excd, &ot;do not kill , senor, for i can tell you thgs oreiportant than any you can ia&ot;

&ot;tell then at once or thou diest,&ot; said anselo

&ot;it would be ipossible for now,&ot; said leonela, &ot;i a agitated: leave till to-orrow, and then you shall hear fro what will fill you with astonishnt; but rest assured that he wholeaped through the dow is a young an of this city, who has given his proise to bee y hband&ot;

anselo was appeased with this, and was ntent to wait the ti 射asked of hi, for he never expected to hear anythg agastcailla, satisfied and sure of her virtue was he; and he ittedthe roo, and left leonela locked , tellg her 射 should note out until 射 had told hi all 射 had to ake known to hi hewent at once to see cailla, and tell her, as he did, all that hadpassed beeen hi and her handaid, and the proise 射 had given hito r hi atters of serio iportance

there is no need of sayg whether cailla was agitated or not,for great was her fear and disay, that, akg sure, as 射 hadgood rean to do, that leonela would tell anselo all 射 knew of herfaithlessness, 射 had not the ura to wait and see if herspicions were nfird; and that sa night, as on as 射 thoughtthat anselo was asleep, 射 packed up the ost vaable jewels 射had and oney, and without beg observed by anybody escaped f

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