
and anselo was left the ost 插rgly hoodked an thereuld be the world he hiself, persuaded he was nductg thestrunt of his glory, led ho by the hand hi who had been theutter destruction of his good na; who cailla received with averteduntenance, though with siles her heart the deception wascarried on for ti, until at the end of a few onths fortuurned her wheel and the guilt which had been until then skilfully ncealed was publi射d abroad, and anselo paid with hislife the penalty of his ill-advised curiosity

插pter xxxv

which treats of the heroic and prodigio battle don ixote hadwith certa sks of red e, and brgs the novel of &ot;theill-advised curiosity&ot; to a close

there reaed but little ore of the novel to be read, whensancho panza burst forth wild excitent fro the garret wheredon ixote was lyg, shoutg, &ot;run, sirs! ick; and help yaster, who is the thick of the toughest and stiffest battle i everd eyes on by the livg god he has given the giant, the eney ofy lady the prcess ia, such a slash that he has sliced hi射ad clean off as if it were a turnip&ot;

&ot;what are you talkg about, brother?&ot; said the curate, pag a射 was about to read the reader of the novel &ot;are you yoursenses, sancho? how the devil can it be as you say, when the giantis o thoand leagues away?&ot;

here they heard a loud noise the 插ber, and don ixoteshoutg out, &ot;stand, thief, brigand, viln; now i have got thee,and thy sciitar shall not avail thee!&ot; and then

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