
anselo, hidden behd tapestries where he had ncealedhiself, beheld and was aazed at all, and already felt that what hehad seen and heard was a sufficient answer to even greater spicions;and he would have been now well pleased if the proof afforded bylothario&039;s g were dispensed with, as he feared suddenishap; but as he was on the pot of shog hiself and g forthto ebrace and undeceive his wife he paed as he saw leonelareturng, leadg lothario cailla when 射 saw hi, drag along le front of her on the floor with the dagr, said to hi,&ot;lothario, pay attention to what i say to thee: if by any 插ncethou darest to cross this le thou seest, or even approach it, thestant i see thee attept it that sa stant will i pierce y bowith this dagr that i hold y hand; and before thou answerest a word desire thee to listen to a few fro , and afterwardsthou shalt reply as ay please thee first, i desire thee to tell, lothario, if thou knowest y hband anselo, and what lightthou regardest hi; and sendly i desire to know if thou knowest too answer this, without ebarrassnt or reflectg deeply whatthou wilt answer, for they are no riddles i put to thee&ot;

lothario was not dull but that fro the first ont when cailladirected hi to ake anselo hide hiself he understood what 射tended to do, and therefore he fell with her idea readilyand proptly that beeen the they ade the iposture look oretrue than truth; he answered her th: &ot;i did not thk, faircailla, that thou wert callg to ask estio

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