anselo was aazed, overwheld, and astounded at the words oflothario, which ca upon hi at a ti when he least expected to hearthe, for he now looked upon cailla as havg triuphed over thepretended attacks of lothario, and was begng to enjoy the glory ofher victory he reaed silent for a nsiderable ti, lookg onthe ground with fixed gaze, and at length said, &ot;thou hast behaved,lothario, as i expected of thy friendship: i will follow thy advice everythg; do as thou wilt, and keep this secret as thou seest itshould be kept circtances unlooked for&ot;
lothario gave hi his word, but after leavg hi he repentedaltother of what he had said to hi, perceivg how foolishly he hadacted, as he ight have revend hiself upon cailla lesscruel and degradg way he cursed his want of sense, ndened hishasty retion, and knew not what urse to take to undo theischief or fd ready escape fro it at last he decided uponrevealg all to cailla, and, as there was no want of opportunity fordog , he found her alone the sa day; but 射, as on as 射 hadthe 插nce of speakg to hi, said, &ot;lothario y friend, i ttell thee i have a rrow y heart which fills it that itsees ready to burst; and it will be a wonder if it does not; forthe audacity of leonela has now reached such a pitch that everynight 射 nceals a gallant of hers this hoe and reas withhi till orng, at the expense of y reputation; asuch as it ipen to anyone to estion it who ay see hi ittg y hoe atsuch unseanable hours; but what distresses is th