anselo was pletely satisfied by the words of lothario, andbelieved the as fully as if they had been spoken by an oracle;nevertheless he begd of hi not to relish the undertakg,were it but for the sake of curiosity and aent; thoughthenceforward he need not ake e of the sa earnest endeavours asbefore; all he wi射d hi to do was to write verses to her,praisg her under the na of chloris, for he hiself would giveher to understand that he was love with a lady to who he had giventhat na to enable hi to sg her praises with the deru due toher odesty; and if lothario were unwillg to take the trouble ofwritg the verses he would pose the hiself
&ot;that will not be necessary,&ot; said lothario, &ot;for the es arenot such eneies of e but that they visit now and then theurse of the year do thou tell cailla what thou hast proposed abouta pretended aour of e; as for the verses will ake the, and ifnot as good as the subject deserves, they shall be at least the best ican produce&ot; an agreent to this effect was ade beeen thefriends, the ill-advised one and the treachero, and anseloreturng to his hoe asked cailla the estion 射 already wonderedhe had not asked before- what it was that had caed her to writethe letter 射 had sent hi cailla replied that it had seed to herthat lothario looked at her what ore freely than when he had beenat ho; but that now 射 was undeceived and believed it to havebeen only her own iagation, for lothario now avoided seeg her, orbeg alone with her anselo told