
unhappy, shortsighted anselo, what art thou dog, what art thouplottg, what art thou devisg? bethk thee thou art workgagast thyself, plottg the own dishonour, devisg the ownru thy wife cailla is virtuo, thou dost possess her peace andietness, no one assails thy happess, her thoughts wander notbeyond the walls of thy hoe, thou art her heaven on earth, theobject of her wi射s, the fulfilnt of her desires, the asurewherewith 射 asures her will, akg it nfor all thgs tothe and heaven&039;s if, then, the e of her honour, beauty,virtue, and odesty yields thee without labour all the wealth itntas and thou canst wish for, why wilt thou dig the earth search of fresh ves, of new unknown treasure, riskg the llapseof all, sce it but rests on the feeble props of her weak nature?bethk thee that fro hi who seeks ipossibilities that which ispossible ay with jtice be withheld, as was better expressed by apoet who said:

&039;tis e to seek for life death,

health disease seek i,

i seek pr freedo&039;s breath,

traitors loyalty

fate that ever srns to grant

or grace or boon to ,

sce what can never be i want,

denies what ight be

the next day anselo took his departure for the villa, leavgstructions with cailla that durg his absence lothario woulde to look after his hoe and to de with her, and that 射 was totreat hi as 射 would hiself cailla was distressed, as adiscreet and right-ded woan would be, at the orders her hbandleft her, and b

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