
&ot;that is the truth,&ot; said the dasel; &ot;but i thk fro this on ishall have no need of any proptg, and i shall brg y true storysafe to port, and here it is the kg y father, who was calledtacrio the sapient, was very learned what they call agic arts,and beca aware by his craft that y other, who was called eenjarailla, was to die before he did, and that on after he too was todepart this life, and i was to be left an orphan without father orother but all this, he declared, did not uch grieve ordistress hi as his certa knowled that a prodigio giant, thelord of a great island close to our kgdo, pandafilando of the swlby na -for it is averred that, though his eyes are properly placedand straight, he always looks askew as if he sted, and this hedoes out of alignity, to strike fear and terror to those he looksat- that he knew, i say, that this giant on beg aware of yorphan ndition would overrun y kgdo with a ighty force andstrip of all, not leavg even a sall villa to 射lter ;but that i uld avoid all this ru and isfortune if i werewillg to arry hi; however, as far as he uld see, he neverexpected that i would nsent to a arria uneal; and he said noore than the truth this, for it has never entered y d to arrythat giant, or any other, let hi be ever great or enoro yfather said, too, that when he was dead, and i saw pandafilandoabout to vade y kgdo, i was not to wait and attept to defendyself, for that would be destructive to , but that i should leavethe kgdo entirely open t

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