
&ot;that he is,&ot; said the barber, and at once alightg, he offered hissaddle to the curate, who aepted it without uch entreaty; butunfortunately as the barber was ountg behd, the ule, beg as ithappened a hired one, which is the sa thg as saygill-nditioned, lifted its hd hoofs and let fly a uple of kicks the air, which would have ade aster nicholas wish hisexpedition est of don ixote at the devil had they caught hi onthe breast or head as it was, they took hi by surprise that heca to the ground, givg little heed to his beard that it felloff, and all he uld do when he found hiself without it was to verhis face hastily with both his hands and oan that his teeth wereknocked out don ixote when he saw all that bundle of bearddetached, without jaws or blood, fro the face of the fallen sire,excd:

&ot;by the livg god, but this is a great iracle! it has knockedoff and pcked away the beard fro his face as if it had beenshaved off designedly&ot;

the curate, seeg the danr of disvery that threatened hissche, at once pounced upon the beard and hastened with it to whereaster nicholas lay, still utterg oans, and drag his head to hisbreast had it on an stant, utterg over hi words which hesaid were a certa special 插r for stickg on beards, as theywould see; and as on as he had it fixed he left hi, and thesire appeared well bearded and whole as before, whereat donixote was beyond asure astoni射d, and begd the curate toteach hi that 插r when he had an opportunity, as he was

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