&ot;there&039;s no doubt of that,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;for i have known anyto take their na and title fro the place where they were born andcall theselves pedro of alcala, juan of ubeda, and diego ofvalladolid; and it ay be that over there guea eens have thesa way of takg the nas of their kgdos&ot;
&ot; it ay,&ot; said the curate; &ot;and as for your aster&039;s arryg,i will do all y power towards it:&ot; with which sancho was as uchpleased as the curate was aazed at his siplicity and at seegwhat a hold the absurdities of his aster had taken of his fancy,for he had evidently persuaded hiself that he was gog to be aneperor
by this ti dorothea had seated herself upon the curate&039;s ule, andthe barber had fitted the ox-tail beard to his face, and they now toldsancho to nduct the to where don ixote was, warng hi not tosay that he knew either the licentiate or the barber, as hisaster&039;s beg an eperor entirely depended on his notregnisg the; neither the curate nor cardenio, however, thoughtfit to go with the; cardenio lest he should red don ixote of thearrel he had with hi, and the curate as there was no necessityfor his presence jt yet, they allowed the others to go onbefore the, while they theselves followed slowly on foot the curatedid not fet to struct dorothea how to act, but 射 said theyight ake their ds easy, as everythg would be done exactly asthe books of chivalry reired and described
they had gone about three-arters of a league when they