
插pter xxix

which treats of the droll device and thod adopted to extricate ourlove-stricken knight fro the severe penance he had iposed uponhiself

&ot;such, sirs, is the true story of y sad adventures; jud foryourselves now whether the sighs and lantations you heard, and thetears that flowed fro y eyes, had not sufficient cae even if i hadduld the ore freely; and if you nsider the nature of yisfortune you will see that nlation is idle, as there is nopossible redy for it all i ask of you is, what you ay easily andreanably do, to show where i ay pass y life unharassed by thefear and dread of disvery by those who are search of ; forthough the great love y parents bear akes feel sure of begkdly received by the, great is y feelg of sha at the rethought that i cannot present yself before the as they expect,that i had rather banish yself fro their sight for ever than lookthe the face with the reflection that they beheld e stripped ofthat purity they had a right to expect &ot;

with these words 射 beca silent, and the lour that overspreadher face showed pnly the pa and sha 射 was sufferg at heart theirs the listeners felt as uch pity as wonder at herisfortunes; but as the curate was jt about to offer her nlation and advice cardenio forestalled hi, sayg, &ot; then,senora, you are the fair dorothea, the only daughter of the richclenardo?&ot; dorothea was astoni射d at hearg her father&039;s na, andat the iserable appearance of hi who ntioned it, for it has be

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