
&ot;the day which followed the night of y isfortune did not e ickly, i ia, as don fernando wi射d, for when desire hasattaed its object, the greatest pleasure is to fly fro the scene ofpleasure i say becae don fernando ade all haste to leave ,and by the adroitness of y aid, who was deed the one who hadaditted hi, gaed the street before daybreak; but on takg leaveof he told , though not with as uch earnestness and fervour aswhen he ca, that i ight rest assured of his faith and of thesanctity and scerity of his oaths; and to nfir his words hedrew a rich rg off his fr and placed it upon e he thentook his departure and i was left, i know not whether rrowful orhappy; all i can say is, i was left agitated and troubled dand alost bewildered by what had taken place, and i had not thespirit, or else it did not our to , to chide y aid for thetreachery 射 had been guilty of ncealg don fernando y插ber; for as yet i was unable to ake up y d whether what hadbefallen was for good or evil i told don fernando at partg, thatas i was now his, he ight see on other nights the sa way,until it should be his pleasure to let the atter bee known; but,except the follog night, he ca no ore, nor for ore than a onthuld i catch a glipse of hi the street or church, while iwearied yself with watchg for one; although i knew he was thetown, and alost every day went out huntg, a pasti he was veryfond of i reber well how sad and dreary those days and hourswere to ; i reber well how i began to doubt as

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