their daty repast beg fi射d, they saddled at once, andwithout any adventure worth ntiong they reached next day then, the object of sancho panza&039;s fear and dread; but though hewould have rather not entered it, there was no help for it thelandlady, the landlord, their daughter, and aritornes, when theysaw don ixote and sancho g, went out to wele the with signf hearty satisfaction, which don ixote received with dignity andgravity, and bade the ake up a better bed for hi than the lastti: to which the landlady replied that if he paid better than he didthe last ti 射 would give hi one fit for a prce don ixotesaid he would, they ade up a tolerable one for hi the sagarret as before; and he lay down at once, beg rely shaken and want of sleep
no oner was the door shut upon hi than the landlady ade at thebarber, and seizg hi by the beard, said:
&ot;by y faith you are not gog to ake a beard of y tail anylonr; you t give back tail, for it is a sha the way thatthg of y hband&039;s goes tossg about on the floor; i an the bthat i ed to stick y good tail&ot;
but for all 射 tugd at it the barber would not give it up untilthe licentiate told hi to let her have it, as there was now nofurther oasion for that strata, becae he ight declarehiself and appear his own 插racter, and tell don ixote thathe had fled to this n when those thieves the galley slaves robbedhi; and should he ask for the prcess&039;s sire, they uld tellhi that 射 had sent hi on before her to give noti