
&ot;that is pn speakg,&ot; said sancho; &ot;but let your worship takecare to choose it on the seaast, that if i don&039;t like the life, iay be able to ship off y black vassals and deal with the as ihave said; don&039;t d gog to see y lady dulcea now, but go andkill this giant and let fish off this bess; for by god itstrikes it will be one of great honour and great profit&ot;

&ot;i hold thou art the right of it, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;andi will take thy advice as to aopanyg the prcess before gog tosee dulcea; but i unsel thee not to say anythg to any one, or tothose who are with , about what we have nsidered and discsed,for as dulcea is dero that 射 does not wish her thoughtsto be known it is not right that i or anyone for should disclosethe&ot;

&ot;well then, if that be ,&ot; said sancho, &ot;how is it that yourworship akes all those you overe by your ar go to presenttheselves before y lady dulcea, this beg the sa thg assigng your na to it that you love her and are her lover? and asthose who go t perforce kneel before her and say they e froyour worship to subit theselves to her, how can the thoughts of bothof you be hid?&ot;

&ot;o, how silly and siple thou art!&ot; said don ixote; &ot;seest thounot, sancho, that this tends to her greater exaltation? for thout know that aordg to our way of thkg chivalry, it is ahigh honour to a lady to have any knights-errant her service,whose thoughts never go beyond servg her for her own sake, and wh

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