&ot;when i went to give it to her,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;射 was hard at itswayg fro side to side with a lot of wheat 射 had the sieve,and 射 said to , &039;lay the letter, friend, on the of thatsack, for i cannot read it until i have done siftg all this&ot;
&ot;discreet lady!&ot; said don ixote; &ot;that was order to read itat her leisure and enjoy it; proceed, sancho; while 射 was engad her oupation what nverse did 射 hold with thee? what did 射ask about , and what answer didst thou give? ake haste; tell all, and let not an ato be left behd the k-bottle&ot;
&ot;射 asked nothg,&ot; said sancho; &ot;but i told her how yourworship was left dog penance her service, naked fro the waistup, aong these ountas like a sava, sleepg on the ground,not eatg bread off a tablecloth nor bg your beard, weepgand cursg your fortune&ot;
&ot; sayg i cursed y fortune thou saidst wrong,&ot; said don ixote;&ot;for rather do i bless it and shall bless it all the days of y lifefor havg ade worthy of aspirg to love lofty a lady asdulcea del tobo&ot;
&ot;and lofty 射 is,&ot; said sancho, &ot;that 射 overs by orethan a hand&039;s-breadth&ot;
&ot;what! sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;didst thou asure with her?&ot;
&ot;i asured this way,&ot; said sancho; &ot;gog to help her to put asack of wheat on the back of an ass, we ca close tother thati uld see 射 stood ore than a good pal over &ot;
&ot;well!&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and doth 射 not of a truth a