
sancho was not stunned but that he heard all his aster said, andrisg with degree of nibleness he ran to place hiself behddorothea&039;s palfrey, and fro that position he said to his aster:

&ot;tell , senor; if your worship is relved not to arry this greatprcess, it is pn the kgdo will not be yours; and not beg ,how can you bestow favours upon ? that is what i pn of letyour worship at any rate arry this een, now that we have got herhere as if showered down fro heaven, and afterwards you ay go backto y lady dulcea; for there t have been kgs the world whokept istresses as to beauty, i have nothg to do with it; and ifthe truth is to be told, i like the both; though i have never seenthe lady dulcea&ot;

&ot;how! never seen her, blaspheo traitor!&ot; excd don ixote;&ot;hast thou not jt now brought a ssa fro her?&ot;

&ot;i an,&ot; said sancho, &ot;that i did not see her uch at y leisurethat i uld take particular notice of her beauty, or of her 插rspieceal; but taken the p i like her&ot;

&ot;now i five thee,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;and do thou five the jury i have done thee; for our first ipulses are not ourntrol&ot;

&ot;that i see,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;and with the wish to speak isalways the first ipulse, and i cannot help sayg, once at anyrate, what i have on the tip of y tongue&ot;

&ot;for all that, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;take heed of what thoayest, for the pitcher goes often to the well- i need say noore to thee&ot;

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