
don ixote went on and asked another what his cri was, and thean answered with no less but rather uch ore sprightless thanthe last one

&ot;i a here becae i carried the joke too far with a uple ofs of e, and with a uple of other s who were none ofe; short, i carried the joke far with the all that itended such a plicated crease of kdred that no aountantuld ake it clear: it was all proved agast , i got no favour,i had no oney, i was near havg y neck stretched, they sentenced to the galleys for six years, i aepted y fate, it is the punishntof y fault; i a a young an; let life only last, and with that allwill e right if you, sir, have anythg wherewith to help thepoor, god will repay it to you heaven, and we on earth will takecare our petitions to hi to pray for the life and health of yourworship, that they ay be as long and as good as your aiableappearance deserves&ot;

this one was the dress of a student, and one of the guards saidhe was a great talker and a very elegant lat scholar

behd all these there ca a an of thirty, a very pernablefellow, except that when he looked, his eyes turned a little oowards the other he was bound differently fro the rest, for hehad to his leg a 插 long that it was wound all round his body,and o rgs on his neck, one attached to the 插, the other towhat they call a &ot;keep-friend&ot; or &ot;friend&039;s foot,&ot; fro which hung oirons reachg to his waist with o anacles fixed to the whichhis hands were secured by a big pa

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女生 完結 175萬字


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