
&ot;let the barber bess be y look-out,&ot; said sancho; &ot;and yourworship&039;s be it to strive to bee a kg, and ake a unt&ot;

&ot; it shall be,&ot; answered don ixote, and raisg his eyes hesaw what will be told the follog 插pter

插pter xxii

of the freedo don ixote nferred on several unfortunates whoagast their will were beg carried where they had no wish to go

cide hate benenli, the arab and anchegan author, relates this ost grave, high-undg, ute, delightful, and origalhistory that after the discsion beeen the fao don ixote of laan插 and his sire sancho panza which is set down at the end of插pter enty-one, don ixote raised his eyes and saw g alongthe road he was follog dozen n on foot strung tother bythe neck, like beads, on a great iron 插, and all with anaclen their hands with the there ca al o n on horseback and oon foot; those on horseback with wheel-lock kets, those on fooith javels and swords, and as on as sancho saw the he said:

&ot;that is a 插 of galley slaves, on the way to the galleys byforce of the kg&039;s orders&ot;

&ot;how by force?&ot; asked don ixote; &ot;is it possible that the ks force agast anyone?&ot;

&ot;i do not say that,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;but that these are peoplendened for their cris to serve by force the kg&039;s galleys&ot;

&ot; fact,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;however it ay be, these people aregog where they are takg the by force, and not of their own will&ot;

&ot;jt ,&ot; s

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