&ot;that is all very well,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;but i know what tbe done now;&ot; and callg tother all the galley slaves, who were nowrunng riot, and had stripped the issary to the sk, hellected the round hi to hear what he had to say, and addressedthe as follows: &ot;to be grateful for benefits received is the partof perns of good birth, and one of the ss ost offensive to god isgratitude; i say becae, sirs, ye have already seen byanifest proof the benefit ye have received of ; return for whichi desire, and it is y good pleasure that, laden with that 插 whichi have taken off your necks, ye at once set out and proceed to thecity of el tobo, and there present yourselves before the ladydulcea del tobo, and say to her that her knight, he of therueful untenance, sends to nd hiself to her; and that yereunt to her full detail all the particulars of this notableadventure, up to the revery of your lond-for liberty; and thisdone ye ay go where ye will, and good fortune attend you&ot;
s de pasaonte ade answer for all, sayg, &ot;that which you,sir, our deliverer, deand of , is of all ipossibilities the ostipossible to ply with, becae we cannot go tother along theroads, but only sgly and separate, and each one his own way,endeavourg to hide ourselves the bowels of the earth to escapethe holy brotherhood, which, no doubt, will e out search of what your worship ay do, and fairly do, is to 插n this serviceand tribute as regards the lady dulcea del tobo for a certaantity of a