
while engad he raised his eyes and saw that his aster hadhalted, and was tryg with the pot of his pike to lift bulkyobject that lay upon the ground, on which he hastened to jo hiand help hi if it were needful, and reached hi jt as with thepot of the pike he was raisg a saddle-pad with a valise attachedto it, half or rather wholly rotten and torn; but heavy were theythat sancho had to help to take the up, and his aster directed hito see what the valise ntaed sancho did with great alacrity,and though the valise was secured by a 插 and padlock, fro itstorn and rotten ndition he was able to see its ntents, whichwere four shirts of fe holland, and other articles of len noless curio than clean; and a handkerchief he found a good lotof gold crowns, and as on as he saw the he excd:

&ot;blessed be all heaven for sendg an adventure that is goodfor thg!&ot;

searchg further he found a little orandu book richly bound;this don ixote asked of hi, tellg hi to take the oney andkeep it for hiself sancho kissed his hands for the favour, andcleared the valise of its len, which he stowed away the provisionsack nsiderg the whole atter, don ixote observed:

&ot;it sees to , sancho- and it is ipossible it can be otherwise-that strayed traveller t have crossed this sierra and beenattacked and sn by footpads, who brought hi to this reote spot tobury hi&ot;

&ot;that cannot be,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;becae if they had been robbersthey would not have left this oney

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