
&ot;the difficulty is, sir knight, that i have no oney here; letandres e ho with , and i will pay hi all, real by real&ot;

&ot;i go with hi!&ot; said the youth &ot;nay, god forbid! no, senor, notfor the world; for once alone with , he would ray like a satbartholow&ot;

&ot;he will do nothg of the kd,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;i have onlyto and, and he will obey ; and as he has sworn to by theorder of knighthood which he has received, i leave hi free, and iguarantee the paynt&ot;

&ot;nsider what you are sayg, senor,&ot; said the youth; &ot;thisaster of e is not a knight, nor has he received any order ofknighthood; for he is juan haldudo the rich, of tanar&ot;

&ot;that atters little,&ot; replied don ixote; &ot;there ay be haldudosknights; oreover, everyone is the n of his works&ot;

&ot;that is true,&ot; said andres; &ot;but this aster of e- of what worksis he the n, when he refes the was of y sweat and labour?&ot;

&ot;i do not refe, brother andres,&ot; said the farr, &ot;be goodenough to e along with , and i swear by all the orders ofknighthood there are the world to pay you as i have agreed, real byreal, and perfud&ot;

&ot;for the perfury i exce you,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;give it tohi reals, and i shall be satisfied; and see that you do as youhave sworn; if not, by the sa oath i swear to e back and hunt youout and punish you; and i shall fd you though you should liecloser than a lizard and if you desire to know who it is

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