
shortly after this, another, not knog what had happened (forthe carrier still lay senseless), ca with the sa object ofgivg water to his ules, and was proceedg to reove the arour order to clear the trough, when don ixote, without utterg aword or ipl aid fro anyone, once ore dropped his buckler andonce ore lifted his lance, and without actually breakg the sendcarrier&039;s head to pieces, ade ore than three of it, for he d ien four at the noise all the people of the n ran to thespot, and aong the the landlord seeg this, don ixote braced hisbuckler on his ar, and with his hand on his sword excd, &ot;olady of beauty, strength and support of y fat heart, it is ti forthee to turn the eyes of thy greatness on this thy captive knight onthe brk of ighty an adventure&ot; by this he felt hiself spired that he would not have flched if all the carriers theworld had assailed hi the rades of the wounded perceivg theplight they were began fro a distance to shower stones on donixote, who screened hiself as best he uld with his buckler, notdarg to it the trough and leave his arour unprotected thelandlord shouted to the to leave hi alone, for he had already toldthe that he was ad, and as a adan he would not be aountable evenif he killed the all still louder shouted don ixote, callgthe knaves and traitors, and the lord of the castle, who allowedknights-errant to be treated this fashion, a viln and a low-bornknight who, had he received the order of knighthood, he would call toaount for h

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