
served by hand of da,

as served was he, don ixote hight,

when fro his town he ca;

with aidens waitg on hiself,

prcesses on his hack--or rocante, for that, ladies e, is y horse&039;s na, and donixote of la an插 is y own; for though i had no tention ofdeclarg yself until y achievents your service and honourhad ade known, the necessity of adaptg that old ballad oflancelot to the present oasion has given you the knowled of yna altother preaturely a ti, however, will e for yourladyships to and and to obey, and then the ight of y ar willshow y desire to serve you&ot;

the girls, who were not ed to hearg rhetoric of this rt, hadnothg to say reply; they only asked hi if he wanted anythgto eat &ot;i would gladly eat a bit of thg,&ot; said don ixote,&ot;for i feel it would e very seanably&ot; the day happened to be afriday, and the whole n there was nothg but pieces ofthe fish they call castile &ot;abadejo,&ot; andasia &ot;bacallao,&ot;and places &ot;curadillo,&ot; and others &ot;troutlet;&ot; theyasked hi if he thought he uld eat troutlet, for there was noother fish to give hi &ot;if there be troutlets enough,&ot; said donixote, &ot;they will be the sa thg as a trout; for it is all one to whether i a given eight reals sall 插n or a piece of eight;oreover, it ay be that these troutlets are like veal, which isbetter than beef, or kid, which is better than goat but whatever itbe let it e ickly, for the burden and pressure of ars cannotbe b

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