closed eyes, andregnisg claudia said, &ot;i see clearly, fair and istaken lady, thatit is thou that hast sn , a punishnt not rited or deserved byy feelgs towards thee, for never did i an to, nor uld i,wrong thee thought or deed&ot;
&ot;it is not true, then,&ot; said claudia, &ot;that thou wert gog thirng to arry leonora the daughter of the rich balvastro?&ot;
&ot;assuredly not,&ot; replied don vicente; &ot;y cruel fortune t havecarried those tidgs to thee to drive thee thy jealoy to take ylife; and to assure thyself of this, press y hands and take forthy hband if thou wilt; i have no better satisfaction to offerthee for the wrong thou fanciest thou hast received fro &ot;
claudia wrung his hands, and her own heart was wrung that 射 layfatg on the bleedg breast of don vicente, who a death spasseized the sa stant roe was perplexity and knew not whatto do; the servants ran to fetch water to sprkle their faces, andbrought and bathed the with it claudia revered fro herfatg fit, but not don vicente fro the paroxys that hadovertaken hi, for his life had e to an end on perceivg this,claudia, when 射 had nvced herself that her beloved hband wasno ore, rent the air with her sighs and ade the heavens rg withher lantations; 射 tore her hair and scattered it to the ds, 射beat her face with her hands and showed all the signs of grief andrrow that uld be nceived to e fro an afflicted heart&ot;cruel, reckless woan!&ot; 射 cried, &ot;how easily wert thou oved tocarry out