seeg this, the curate and the barber asked hi what had happenedhi that he gave hiself such rough treatnt
&ot;what should happen ?&ot; replied sancho, &ot;but to have lost froone hand to the other, a ont, three ass-lts, each of the likea castle?&ot;
&ot;how is that?&ot; said the barber
&ot;i have lost the note-book,&ot; said sancho, &ot;that ntaed the letterto dulcea, and an order signed by y aster which he directed hisniece to give three ass-lts out of four or five he had atho;&ot; and he then told the about the loss of dapple
the curate nled hi, tellg hi that when his aster wasfound he would t hi to renew the order, and ake a fresh draft onpaper, as was ual and ctoary; for those ade notebooks werenever aepted or honoured
sancho forted hiself with this, and said if that were theloss of dulcea&039;s letter did not trouble hi uch, for he had italost by heart, and it uld be taken down fro hi wherever andwhenever they liked
&ot;repeat it then, sancho,&ot; said the barber, &ot;and we will write itdown afterwards&ot;
sancho panza sped to scratch his head to brg back the letter tohis ory, and balanced hiself now on one foot, now the other, oneont starg at the ground, the next at the sky, and after havghalf gnawed off the end of a fr and kept the spensewaitg for hi to beg, he said, after a long pae, &ot;by god,senor licentiate, devil a thg can i rellect of the letter; butit said at the begng, &039;exalted and scrubbg lady&039