第19頁 (第2/7頁)
beneath the stone before your eyes
the body of a lover lies;
life he was a 射pherd swa,
death a victi to disda
ungrateful, cruel, y, and fair,
was 射 that drove hi to despair,
and love hath ade her his ally
for spreadg wide his tyrannythey then strewed upon the grave a profion of flowers andbranches, and all expressg their ndolence with his friendabrosio, took their vivaldo and his panion did the sa; and donixote bade farewell to his hosts and to the travellers, whopressed hi to e with the to seville, as beg such a nvenientplace for fdg adventures, for they presented theselves everystreet and round every rner oftener than anywhere else donixote thanked the for their advice and for the disposition theyshowed to do hi a favour, and said that for the present he would not,and t not go to seville until he had cleared all these ountas ofhighwayn and robbers, of who report said they were full seeg hisgood tention, the travellers were unwillg to press hi further,and once ore biddg hi farewell, they left hi and pursued theirjourney, the urse of which they did not fail to discs the storyof arcela and chrysto as well as the adness of don ixote he,on his part, relved to go est of the 射pherdess arcela, andake offer to her of all the service he uld render her; but thgsdid not fall out with hi as he expected, aordg to what is related the urse of this veracio history, of which the send part end射re
插pter xv
which is related