ortal eney arcala theagician, who, it is positively asserted, holdg hi captive, gavehi ore than o hundred la射s with the res of his horse whiletied to one of the pillars of a urt; and oreover there is a certarendite author of no sall authority who says that the knight ofphoeb, beg caught a certa pitfall, which opened under hisfeet a certa castle, on fallg found hiself bound hand and foot a deep pit underground, where they adistered to hi one of thosethgs they call clysters, of sand and snow-water, that well-nighfi射d hi; and if he had not been suoured that reextreity by a sa, a great friend of his, it would have gone veryhard with the poor knight; i ay well suffer pany with suchworthy folk, for greater were the dignities which they had to sufferthan those which we suffer for i would have thee know, sancho, thaounds caed by any strunts which happen by 插nce to be hand flict no dignity, and this is d down the law of theduel express words: if, for stance, the bbler strikes anotherwith the last which he has his hand, though it be fact a pieceof wood, it cannot be said for that rean that he who he struck withit has been cudlled i say this lest thou shouldst ia thatbecae we have been drubbed this affray we have therefore sufferedany dignity; for the ars those n carried, with which they pounded, were nothg ore than their stakes, and not one of the, faras i reber, carried rapier, sword, or dagr&ot;
&ot;they gave no ti to see that uch,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;forhard