g yself; deed, i showed hi anykdnesses, and saved hi fro havg his shoulders touched up bythe executioner becae of his extre rashness&ot;
tell , senor don alvaro,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;a i at all like thatdon ixote you talk of?&ot;
&ot;no deed,&ot; replied the traveller, &ot;not a bit&ot;
&ot;and that don ixote-&ot; said our one, &ot;had he with hi a sirecalled sancho panza?&ot;
&ot;he had,&ot; said don alvaro; &ot;but though he had the na of beg verydroll, i never heard hi say anythg that had any drollery it&ot;
&ot;that i can well believe,&ot; said sancho at this, &ot;for to e ouith drolleries is not everybody&039;s le; and that sancho yourworship speaks of, ntle sir, t be great sundrel,dunderhead, and thief, all one; for i a the real sancho panza, andi have ore drolleries than if it raed the; let your worship onlytry; e along with for a year or , and you will fd theyfall fro at every turn, and rich and plentiful that thoughostly i don&039;t know what i a sayg i ake everybody that hears laugh and the real don ixote of la an插, the fao, the valiant,the wise, the lover, the righter of wrongs, the guardian of ors andorphans, the protector of widows, the killer of dasels, he who hasfor his le istress the peerless dulcea del tobo, is thisntlean before you, y aster; all other don ixotes and allother sancho panzas are dreas and ockeries&ot;
&ot;by god i believe it,&ot; said don alvaro; &ot;for you have uttered oredrolleries, y frie