
&ot;as to the estion of the cave,&ot; was the reply, &ot;there is uch tobe said; there is thg of both it sancho&039;s whippg willproceed leisurely the disen插ntnt of dulcea will atta itsdue nsuation&ot;

&ot;i seek to know no ore,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;let but see dulceadisen插nted, and i will nsider that all the good fortune i uldwish for has e upon all at once&ot;

the last estioner was sancho, and his estions were, &ot;head, shalli by any 插nce have another governnt? shall i ever escape frothe hard life of a sire? shall i t back to see y wife andchildren?&ot; to which the answer ca, &ot;thou shalt govern thyhoe; and if thou returnest to it thou shalt see thy wife andchildren; and on ceasg to serve thou shalt cease to be a sire&ot;

&ot;good, by god!&ot; said sancho panza; &ot;i uld have told yself that;the prophet perogrullo uld have said no ore&ot;

&ot;what answer wouldst thou have, beast?&ot; said don ixote; &ot;is it notenough that the replies this head has given suit the estions putto it?&ot;

&ot;yes, it is enough,&ot; said sancho; &ot;but i should have liked it tohave ade itself pner and told ore&ot;

the estions and answers ca to an end here, but not the wonderwith which all were filled, except don antonio&039;s o friends whowere the secret this cide hate benenli thought fit to revealat once, not to keep the world spense, fancyg that the head had stran agical ystery it he says, therefore, that on theodel of another hea

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母胎solo二十八年的薄寒年被退婚了,對方還是一個鄉下丫頭。“薄爺,夫人出五百萬,要退婚。”薄寒年狹長的眸子輕抬,“不退!”“薄爺,夫人加價兩千萬,退婚!”薄寒年勾唇一笑,“給夫人五千萬,不退!”“夫人出價一個億,退婚!”薄寒年,“……”他有些頭疼!他家夫人要拿錢砸死他!這婚!被錢砸死也不退![暮小靚]</p> 各位書友要是覺得《葉凝薄寒年》還不錯的話請不要忘記向您QQ群和微博裡的朋
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