d what ailed hi, he gave hi forreply the sa words and phrases that the captive abdarraez gaveto rodrigo de narvaez, jt as he had read the story the &ot;diana&ot; ofje de onteayor where it is written, applyg it to his own case aptly that the peasant went along cursg his fate that he had tolisten to such a lot of nonsense; fro which, however, he ca tothe ncsion that his neighbour was ad, and ade all haste toreach the villa to escape the wearess of this harangue ofdon ixote&039;s; who, at the end of it, said, &ot;senor don rodrigo denarvaez, your worship t know that this fair xarifa i have ntionedis now the lovely dulcea del tobo, for who i have done, a dog,and will do the ost fao deeds of chivalry that this worldhave been seen, are to be seen, or ever shall be seen&ot;
to this the peasant answered, &ot;senor- sner that i a!- cannot yourworship see that i a not don rodrigo de narvaez nor the aris ofantua, but pedro alon your neighbour, and that your worship isneither bald nor abdarraez, but the worthy ntlean senorixada?&ot;
&ot;i know who i a,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;and i know that i ay benot only those i have nad, but all the elve peers of france andeven all the ne worthies, sce y achievents surpass all thatthey have done all tother and each of the on his own aount&ot;
with this talk and ore of the sa kd they reached the villajt as night was begng to fall, but the peasant waited until ias a little later that the belaboured ntlean ight not be seenridg